Sumiko Starling Cartridge

By Sumiko


If picture is worth 1000 words, Starling propels the question of what a sonic image might be worth. Evident in the very existence of our hobby is music’s unique ability to reach us with a certain profundity that exists well outside of what we can hear. It can be said that feelings are what we’re chasing, and if invoked by the most convincing portrayal of your dearest recordings, those feelings can be all the more profound. A sonic image can thus be priceless, and we’ve designed Starling to realize that image in your system. Added to the resonance-optimized headblock & generator borrowed from Songbird, Starling implements a rigid boron cantilever finished with an ultra-low-mass Microridge stylus. Microridge is a diamond profile highly regarded worldwide for its even-handedness while simultaneously delivering richness & clarity. Bonded to our assembly, rarely has this famous stylus achieved such agility in the groove — certainly not at Starling’s price. What you experience is gorgeously suspended sonic imagery that places you just where you want to be — front & center.



  • Cartridge Type:  Moving Coil
  • Stylus:  Micro-Ridge
  • Cantilever Material: boron
  • Wire Material:  pure copper 
  • Internal Impedance: 28Ω
  • Load Impedance:  >100Ω
  • Frequency Response: 12Hz - 50kHz
  • Output Voltage:  0.5mV
  • Channel Separation: 35dB @ 1kHz
  • Channel Balance:  <0.5dB @ 1KHz
  • Compliance:  12x10-6 cm/dyn @ 100Hz
  • Recommended Load Capacitance: 100pf - 200pF
  • Vertical Tracking Angle: 20°
  • Tracking Force:  1.8g - 2.2g
  • Recommended Force:  2.0g
  • Cartridge Weight:  9.5g